Tuesday, 30 June 2009

London Wetland Centre - Widgeons!

I ent to London Wetland Cetre for the first time yesterday and it is lovely lovely! At first I was a little disappointed, because it seemed like a bird zoo catered to children, but then it got quiet and there are wild areas, gorgeous and marshy with exciting ducks and lilies and reeds and tumbling plants :D -happy sigh- and the weather was so good (and i made an amazing picnic).

bird glee:

- fat moorhens running around with giant feet
- baby moorhens with extremely giant feet
- brown ducklings that kept bobbing under the water and reappearing elsewhere
- golden sparkling something mist under the water (not bird related but nonetheless good)
- 2 wigeon on opposite sides of a fence wondering how to reach each other
- blue beaks
-general amount of ducks

the pictures aren't mine (links below) but the top one is white headed duck (should be called blue beak duck) and bottom one is widgeon ( i heart the name widgeon).




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