Wednesday 20 May 2009

Interiors @ Lyric Hammersmith

A few weeks ago I went to Lyric Hammersmith and saw Interiors. It was eggs. It was set up like you were watching through the windows into a house, and you couldn't hear what the characters were saying, just hints and observations from the narrator, who was another secret watcher. And there were lights/projection over the outside the house to look look like wind and snow and stars :)

Here's the official blurb:

Behind a window, in a cosy room, a group of friends
sit down for a meal. The food is being cooked;
the lamps are on, everyone is happy. Talk begins
and soon stories unfold around the table, stories
about the living and the dead, about missing
necklaces and what happens when people get hungry.

Outside someone is watching.

Vanishing Point return to the Lyric with this major
international collaboration following their sell-out hit
Subway. Utterly hypnotic, Interiors is about sounds,
silence, and the darkness outside the window. This production is inspired by the Nobel prize-winner
Maurice Maeterlinck’s astonishing play, Interior.

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