Sunday, 8 March 2009

Bug Bazaar @ Millenium Gallery

Claire Moyniham - Embroidered Bug Ball

John Dilnot - Screenprint

Lots of gorgeous drawings and pieces set up like victorian insect this screen print by John Dilnot. Claire Moyniham's embroidered felty bugs on balls charmed me as did Nora Fok's insects made of found objects in nature....leaves and twigs :)

Other interesting things...Jenny Tillotson's scent whisper...biomimcry...brooches connected smehow so one person whispers into their brooch and the other persns brooch releases a puff of perfume...mimicing how this beetle releases a scent to defend itself...but this is more romantic and interesting. I just googled her and she works at the innovation centre...I thought her name sounded familiar!

There were also amazing insect robots, hexapod robots by micromagic systems.

And I learned that Chinese art used insects to represent the beauty and bounty of summer. I used insects to represent similar in my story :)

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